CotD: Knight of Cups – Emotional Longing

cups12Meanings: Empathic, subtly cunning, mysterious, passionate, tender, imaginative, talented, desire for power and wisdom; as an event progress, incitement, a new love, an invitation. Treacherous, unprincipled, false, given to fantasizing; as an event betrayal, ruse, ambiguity, fibbing, to weigh up others carefully, drugs

Message: “Live your passions and your talents to the full. Passions and desires are mastered, if one can give them expression in one’s life while simultaneously remaining detached.”

Analysis: Through rediscovering and working with the Tarot, I am acknowledging and reclaiming my empathy and intuition. Working with the Tarot and becoming familiar with the imagery again also works with my imagination while I develop ways to remember the cards and their meanings. That exercise will also carry over to other areas where imgaination is needed.