Reading: Freelance Business

Tonight, I visited with a friend about her freelancing. This reading is about her freelance business. The spread is a 3-card past/present/future spread.

Past: The Fool
Present: VI of Pentacles (reversed)
Future: The Chariot

Overall Impression: This is a generally positive reading since the majority of the cards are in upright positions.

Past: The Fool
You’ve had the courage to take a risk in starting your freelancing business. You realize it might not be the norm, but you’ve dared to be different from what is usually expected.

Present: VI of Pentacles (reversed)
It’s possible you’ve encountered a rough time in your business that may have led you to question the wisdom of continuing to work at it because of more going out than what is coming in, in terms of time, energy, and finances.

Future: The Chariot
In spite of, or perhaps because of, present difficulties, you have the courage to continue and will find a new strength that will see you moving forward. Because of the difficulties you’ve encountered, you will have a better balance of in the various aspects of your life.

5 thoughts on “Reading: Freelance Business

  1. Pingback: Will history repeat? your answers are greatly appreciated. It’s long but worth the read? | Vehicle History Reports

  2. I do readings on a variety of topics, including freelancing, career, relationships, etc. E-mail me at jen @ jenifernipps . com (without spaces) if you’d like a reading. If I post it here, there is no fee. If you want it sent back to you privately, it would be $5 for a 3-card reading, $10 for a more in-depth reading (Celtic Cross), payable via PayPal.

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